Emergency Wedding

Emergency Wedding AKA Jealousy in the UK, is a 1950 film directed by Edward Buzzell. It stars Larry Parks and Barbara Hale. It is a remake of You Belong to Me, which featured Larry Parks in a bit part.

The New York Times wrote, back in 1941, Columbia united Barbara Stanwyck and Henry Fonda in holy matrimony and acrimony as blueprinted in a script by Claude Binyon and a story by Dalton Trumbo labeled, You Belong to Me. The verdict on this entry was amiable. It was a lightweight lot of fun done by a covey of actors who were happy in their work. Yesterday, the Palace received Emergency Wedding,...This remake of a yarn about a millionairean insecure gent ludicrously jealous of his doctorwifeis lightweight without being especially gay or serious. Emergency Wedding, except for a titter or two and an attempt to diagnose what ails organized medicine, is an unimpressive reproduction.

Source: Wikipedia